The Only Course You Need to Successfully Follow the Keto Diet

How many different diets, plans, or even pills have you tried in an effort to lose the excess weight and get healthier? My guess? Too many!

It doesn’t have to be such a struggle.

Switch your body from burning sugar to burning fat and finally discover how incredible you can look and feel.

You’ve probably heard about keto, right?

It’s the high-fat, low-carb diet that’s been gaining an ever-increasing number of followers who are using it to shed excess body fat, increase and stabilize energy levels, improve athletic performance, and enhance mental clarity.

The problem with any new health trend is that there’s suddenly an overwhelming amount of information out there – not all of it correct. And how can you know what’s right and what’s false? You may have even tried some form of the keto diet in the past and not achieved the results you’d hoped for.

The fact is, there is very much a wrong way and a right way to follow the keto diet.

Done wrong, the keto diet can be difficult, make you feel very unpleasant, and prevent you from actually getting the results you want. It just adds another failure to the endless parade of diets gone wrong.

And let’s be honest. Diet pills alone won’t set you up for a healthier life in the long term. And we all know what happens with quick-fix crash diets: we might start out strong and motivated, but with the wrong strategy or an unsustainable approach, the cravings hit hard, we have to rely on willpower to struggle through, then we beat ourselves up when we “fall off the wagon” and and gain all the weight back and then some. This would be an example of the keto diet (or any diet for that matter) done wrong.

Done right on the other hand, the keto diet can be an incredibly effective tool for helping you reach your health goals.

Not only is it vital to follow the keto diet the correct way, it is just as vital that you prepare your body for this change and that you prepare your life and your kitchen for success. Then, once you’ve smoothly transitioned into a state of ketosis, you’re actually starting to burn stored fat for energy, as opposed to sugar. And we all know how the over-processed foods in our modern society contain massively high amounts of unhealthy sugar and carbohydrates. The keto diet can help break the chains!

I’m Jessica Pantermuehl, Board Certified Holistic Health Coach, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Assessment Specialist, and the creator of Quick Start Guide to Keto.

Having been in practice myself for over six years, both in private practice and as head of nutrition counseling at an integrative medical center in Los Angeles, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients one-on-one and many more in classes and group programs. I’m very familiar with what works and what doesn’t. 

I created this course to help guide you, step-by-step, through the right way to follow the ketogenic diet so that you can achieve the health and vitality – and the life that you want. It bypasses all of the complicated, and often incorrect, ideas out there and gives you exactly what you need to know  – and do!  – in order to succeed. It’s easier than you think, and the changes in your health and life can be dramatic and lasting!

What does Quick Start Guide to Keto Include?

This self-paced online course gives you everything you need to succeed, including my essential two-phased approach for transitioning into ketosis, how to do a full pantry clean-out and restock, and how to support your lifestyle foundations of sleep, movement, and stress management. The course also provides you with access to a wide array of practical resources, including meal plans, recipe guides, handy charts and references guides, shopping lists, self-assessments to make sure you’re on track, and a complete keto resource hub so that you have everything you need during your keto journey.

Step-by-Step Instructions

One of the biggest mistakes I see people making with the keto diet is going too fast too soon, without properly preparing their bodies first. That’s why, in this program, we’ll be taking a two-phased approach for transitioning into ketosis to make it a smoother, easier, more successful process.

During the five modules and 18 video lessons in the course, you’ll learn what keto is and how to incorporate it into your life in a healthy way using this simple, two-phased approach.

Most importantly, you’ll be guided, step-by-step, through the actions you need to do to set yourself up for keto success.

Plus, you’ll receive clear, downloadable, written instructions to make each step crystal clear so that you can successfully follow the keto diet.


Meal Plans and Recipe Guides

No need to worry or wonder about what you’re going to eat as you’re getting started with your keto journey. With Quick Start Guide to Keto, you’ll receive meal plans and recipe guides packed with over 75 delicious recipes, including breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, and keto-friendly treats.

Don’t have much experience with healthy cooking or feel you don’t have time for it? No problem!

These fast, simple, easy-to-follow recipes were created with kitchen beginners and busy lives in mind. You won’t need to fear your kitchen, or what to eat when those cravings hit. We’ve got you covered!


A Complete Keto Resource Hub

In the keto resource hub, you’ll find a wide array of foods and products for an easy and well-prepared keto transition. 

Plus, you’ll have access to my personal pantry staples – the ingredients, foods, and products that I keep stocked in my own cupboards and refrigerator, along with my own notes on how I use them. Having the right ingredients in your cupboards makes all the difference for your success!

Tracking Sheets, Worksheets, Assessments, and Guides

Quick Start Guide to Keto gives you access to a wide array of practical resources to help you follow the keto diet and make sure you’re on track, including self-assessments, tracking sheets, worksheets, and more.

From trackers to help you see your progress and changes over time and charts that help you understand when things are working and when tweaks need to be made, to worksheets that help you create routines that help support your new healthy lifestyle, you’ll have tools every step of the way to help you succeed. They are fast and easy to use, and provide you with the certainty that you are in fact making progress to a healthier life.

Community for Ongoing Support

When you enroll in Quick Start Guide to Keto, you’ll have access to our private Facebook Group, where you can share successes, challenges, and connect with like-minded people on the road to improving their health and living their best life.

Our online community is here to support and encourage you every step of the way!

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

Module 1: Keto 101

In this module, we’re going to be getting crystal clear on what ketosis is, what it isn’t – so you can sidestep the common misconceptions out there that sabotage your progress  – and what’s actually happening inside your body when you’re on the ketogenic diet.

Module 2: The Healthy Way to Do Keto

There is a healthy way to do the keto diet… and a not so healthy way to do the keto diet! In this module, we dive into the three core pillars of how to approach the ketogenic diet in the best way possible.

Follow these three pillars for a smoother, easier, more successful keto experience. Simply put, they can make the difference between failure and success!

Module 3: Setting Yourself Up for Success

When it comes to keto, success is all about preparation. In this module, we’re going to be covering practical, tried-and-true strategies for preparing your body and your environment for going keto – including a step-by-step pantry detox so that your fridge and pantry have everything you need for doing the keto diet the healthy way. Going keto is so much easier when the unhealthy snacks in your cupboards are replaced with delicious, satisfying foods. This is a vital step!

Module 4: Phase 1 – The Foundations Reset

In this module, we’re going to be digging into the pre-keto plan for resetting and supporting your nutritional and lifestyle foundations so that you can be as ready as possible to make a successful transition into ketosis.

One of the biggest mistakes I see people making with the keto diet is going too fast too soon, without properly preparing their bodies – or their environment – first. This module is here to prevent you from making those same mistakes!

Module 5: Phase 2 – Going Keto

Once you’ve reached this module, you are fully set up for success and ready to dig in! You’ve likely already experienced some incredible changes from Phase 1 and your pantry, environment, and body are primed for a healthier life with ketosis.

During Module 5, we’ll be discussing the specific macronutrient ratios for the keto diet and how to modify these depending on your health goals. We dig into the key principles of keto, cover a variety of helpful keto strategies, and explore the power of intermittent fasting.

We’ll also discuss answers to common questions, such as how long you should do keto, what happens if you fall off the wagon, how to prevent and handle the “kept flu”, how to come off keto without gaining all the weight back, how to transition into a maintenance style of eating, how to handle a weigh loss plateau, and more.

How It Works

1. Upon enrolling, you have immediate access to the Quick Start Guide to Keto program, including all course materials and resources.

2. The program is self-paced and you have lifetime access to the course materials once you sign up, so you can start it any time you choose and go at whatever pace is comfortable for you.

3. Join our private Facebook group where you can share successes, challenges, and connect with like-minded individuals. Our online community is here to encourage you every step of the way.

About Your Teacher

Quick Start Guide to Keto is taught by Jessica Pantermuehl, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Assessment Specialist, Board Certified Holistic Health Coach, and healthy living expert.

Best known for her warm, accessible teaching style and passion for health and wellness, Jessica helps people become the healthiest versions of themselves through her online education. She also supports her fellow health practitioners as the Lead Instructor for the Nutritional Therapy Association’s Career Development Course, as well as adjunct faculty at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, where she teaches both the marketing and leadership courses for budding naturopathic doctors.

Get Access to Quick Start Guide to Keto Now

Now is the time. This is your chance to make a change. Step away from those half-used (or unopened) bottles of diet pills, raspberry ketones, garcinia cambogia, or whatever other quick fixes or crash diets you may have tried in the past and experience the transformative power of keto – done right. 

Register today and take control of your health.

One-Time Payment


Quick Start Guide to Keto at a Glance


The course contains 5 Modules and 18 lessons that are broken down in a way that is easy to understand and apply.


You can eat the perfect diet and still struggle with losing weight and achieving your health goals if your key lifestyle foundations of sleep, movement, and stress management are out of whack. That’s why you’ll receive not only dietary support in this program, but practical lifestyle strategies as well.


In addition to the course curriculum, you’ll receive a step-by-step guide to make it crystal clear to follow the actions you need to take to successfully follow the keto diet. It’s not just a bunch of information – it’s a fully guided program to set you up for success.


With over 75 keto-friendly recipes as well as helpful meals plans, you’ll never have to wonder or worry about what to eat as you’re getting started with the keto diet. 


You’ll have access to a wide array of practical resources to help you follow the keto diet and to make sure you’re on track, including self-assessments, tracking sheets, worksheets, and more.


One of the biggest mistakes I see people making with the keto diet is going too fast too soon, without properly preparing their bodies first. That’s why, in this program, we’ll be taking a two-phased approach for transitioning into ketosis to make it a smoother, easier, more successful process.


I designed Quick Start Guide to Keto with practicality in mind.

When you open up your fridge or pantry, it should be full of keto-friendly foods rather than foods that tempt you to stray from your keto goals. We’ll be going through a complete pantry detox to make this simple.


In the keto resource hub, you’ll find a wide array of foods and products to help you in your keto journey.

Plus, you’ll have access to my personal pantry staples – the ingredients, foods, and products that I keep stocked in my own cupboards and refrigerator, along with my own notes on how I use them.

Answers to Your Questions

What happens when I enroll?

You’ll receive a welcome email in your inbox with details for how to log into the course. You’ll have immediate access to all of the video lessons, resources, charts, guides, and program materials. The course is self-paced, so you can go through the materials as quickly or as slowly as you’d like.

How long do I have access to the materials?

Once you enroll you’ll have lifetime access to the materials, so you can move through the course materials at whatever pace you’d like.

What if I don’t like it? Can I get a refund?

We fully stand behind the quality of this course and the program materials. If you reach out to us within 30 days, show us that you have gone through the program and still somehow haven’t seen results, we will happily return your investment.

Will I need to buy a lot of supplements?

No. The Quick Start Guide to Keto materials are all you will need to see results. You will find supplement recommendations within the course to help support and amplify your results, but these are all optional additions and aren’t determining factors for your success in this program.

How do I log in?

At the top of this page, in the right corner, you’ll see a login link. Click on that link and you’ll be taken to the login page. You can also access the login page directly by clicking here. If you have any trouble at all logging in, please reach out to us here.

Still have questions?

Contact us here.

Are you ready to make a change in your life?

Are you ready to finally lose the weight?

Get off the yo-yo dieting rollercoaster?

Love the way you look and feel?

Just picture it: you wake up in the morning after a deeply restful night of sleep, full of energy and ready to take on the day. You look at yourself in the mirror and smile at the progress you’ve made. You pull on your favorite pair of jeans that you’d never imagined you’d be able to fit into. Your body feels healthy and trim.

You don’t have to reach for that second –  or third – cup of coffee in the afternoon or that 3 pm doughnut to make it through the day. Instead, you have stable, abundant energy and you’re eating foods that are deeply nourishing, satisfying, and helping you to create the body and the life you’ve always wanted.

Don’t just wish for it. Create it. This is your life. Enroll today, and let’s get started.